Latest articles from Michał Kaczmarski

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British city leaders make case for decentralisation

London is not the only British city, says lobby group Core Cities, which is calling for greater decentralisation in the UK. 

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UK SMEs 'more optimistic' - Western Union report

A Western Union survey of UK SMEs reveals an optimistic mood. However, another report warns that medium-sized companies in the country are not receiving sufficient assistance when it comes to exports.

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Remaking Cities Congress stresses value of 'soft factors'

Delegates at the Remaking Cities Congress in Pittsburgh discussed issues such as 'soft factors' that can transform urban areas, and ideas that cities can 'steal' from one another.

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New York state launches tax-free zone initiative

The state of New York has launched an initiative aimed at creating tax-free zones to attract investment.

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UK government announces £100m boost for enterprise zones

England's enterprise zones have been given a £100m injection to help complete infrastructure projects.

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US trade moves a China response: think tank report

A research director at the India, China & America Institute says that the US's recent talks on trade agreements with European, Latin American and Asian countries are a response to China's growing economic influence on the world.

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Croatia has nothing to lose by adopting euro: CBG

Croatia is keen to adopt the euro as its currency, but that is unlikely to happen any time soon as the country struggles to meet the EU's five convergence criteria. 

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World Bank Group sets out its goals

Reducing poverty was high on the agenda at the annual meeting of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund, with an ambitious target set for 2020.

How high-tech clusters are defying science and logic

How high-tech clusters are defying science and logic

While the benefits of high-tech hubs are widely agreed upon – they generate substantial revenues, boost job creation and raise the profile of a location – the formula for creating a successful cluster is far less clear cut, with a multitude of factors, from the quality of local talent to the extent of government assistance, playing a part.

Trinidad and Tobago looks to play to its natural strengths

Trinidad and Tobago looks to play to its natural strengths

Concerned about an over-reliance on its oil and gas industries, the Trinidad and Tobago government is working to highlight its other strengths to would-be investors, with a particular emphasis being placed on its educated and highly skilled workforce.

Global greenfield investment trends

Crossborder investment monitor

fDi Markets is the only online database tracking crossborder greenfield investment covering all sectors and countries worldwide. It provides real-time monitoring of investment projects, capital investment and job creation with powerful tools to track and profile companies investing overseas.

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Corporate location benchmarking tool

fDi Benchmark is the only online tool to benchmark the competitiveness of countries and cities in over 50 sectors. Its comprehensive location data series covers the main cost and quality competitiveness indicators for over 300 locations around the world.

Click here to find out more about fDi Benchmark

Research report

fDi Intelligence provides customised reports and data research which deliver vital business intelligence to corporations, investment promotion agencies, economic development organisations, consulting firms and research institutions.

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